Ma vie en Suede – Podcast Episode avec Maxime

Pour les Frenchies et francophones, un podcast avec Maxime de Ma vie en Suède qu’on a enregistré cet été. Merci Max pour l’occasion de partager mes idées et ma passion pour le yoga et le développement personnel. Ça m’a fait trop plaisir de parler avec toi! Qu’est-ce que vous en penser? Hâte d’entendre vos idées …

Become a light in this world: 2nd series ashtanga

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will” – Mahatma Gandhi  When I was a little girl I used to dream about making the world a better place. I would sit and reflect and question everything. I would wonder: What can I do to make that happen? What gift do I …

Should you feel intimidated of ashtanga yoga?

I heard this phrase so many times: “Ashtanga yoga is not for everyone. You need to be strong and flexible and bla bla bla” I remember when someone who did a 200hours Yoga Alliance TTC once said: “I did this TTC but soon realized I need to start teaching something else, because you cannot teach …