“Yoga is an internal practice. The rest is just circus.” Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

In my short life, there have been a handful of people that managed to make a difference and helped me grow. They all had/have two things in common: 1. They told me I need to be stronger. 2. They were so “mean”. Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I was so used to receive criticism …

Take me back

I woke up this morning missing India and wanting to take few weeks break just to dedicate my time to do my practice and reflect. I feel so inspired about all the beautiful yoga practitioners and teachers who’ve been studying, practicing and teaching since I was just few years old. These are beautiful humans that few …

I can look back and see mistakes or see progress

I am writing these lines while lying on my belly in sphinx pose. My mat is under me and I feel so calm and fulfilled today. I just read a comment from someone who is embarking on his 200 hours TTC journey and it made me remember my own journey. I watched this video I recorded in February 2015 before …